Page 2 - 3-The First Day of School
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Rainbow Time      英文故事光碟 第四首 ( 故事朗讀 )          低年級
2013 April        雙語學習光碟 CD1 第五 ~ 七首 ( 故事講解 )

                  臺中市國民小學閱讀認證系統 ISBN 編號 :2076548713042

              The First Day
              of School
                  Written by Sarah Fender
              摘要  Illustrated by Cloudy Chou

              開學第一天,Lily 不知道該穿什麼顏色的衣服去上學才

              她又改變主意想穿藍色,因為那是她好朋友 Ashley 最
              喜歡的顏色。接著 Lily 又想為了想討好老師,打算改穿
              紅色。最後,她到底會選擇穿什麼顏色的衣服上學呢 ?

	 It was the first day of school and Lily was very
excited. She had to make sure she looked perfect. So
what should she wear?
	 “My favorite color is orange!” she said to herself. “I’ll
wear my orange dress.”

                  ● excited (adj.) 興奮
                  ● perfect (adj.) 完美
                  ● orange (n.) 橘色

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